Why is IT Support Important?

Technology is everywhere nowadays and most businesses rely on some form of technology to ensure that either they can generate revenue or enable them to support that generation. But what happens when it goes wrong?

Let’s look at some scenarios we’ve encountered over the past few months that have affected how local businesses remain available for business.

Emails Down!

Not unheard of and it’s something we deal with on a regular basis. It’s worth asking yourself the question though – what would you do if you can’t use your work emails? Sure – not being able to email colleagues for a day may not be the end of the world but what’s happens if you have downtime at a crucial time such as when deadlines are looming, potential clients are waiting for information or you need to contact someone in regards to a time sensitive opportunity?

It’s also worth bearing in mind that you may not have the correct email solution. If you’re not using cloud based solutions you may be at risk. We’ve had many clients that have has issues with emails and, unfortunately, have lost years worth of correspondence and attachments.

SSL Renewals

It’s pretty common for small businesses to use freelancers to develop their websites and that’s a pretty effective way to help keep costs down whilst allowing your business to grow. That being said it’s quite common for companies to have their SSL certificates lapse and this usually results in very unfriendly warnings to potential customers. Keeping on top of security is a must for online businesses – particularly when taking payments online.

Hacked Website

Nowadays most individuals are pretty savvy when it comes to technology and creating websites to promote your business or sell products is more accessible than it has ever been. To get a website up and running, in some cases, you don’t even need a developer involved. With this increase in accessibility comes a great deal of other responsibility, though and keeping on top of updates, security patches, poor coded plugins and other attempts to exploit your business can be a nightmare to keep on top of for sole directors and SME’s – it can be a full time job itself.

Staff AWOL

You’d be surprised how many times we’ve had businesses reach out to us simply because a staff member has called in sick, is on annual leave or has left the organisation. The company realises only when it’s to late that the individual has a password for a certain piece of software or online service or perhaps they had certain documents or files on their file system and it’s now no longer accessible.

and an Exhausted Desktop…

Do you carry spare parts or spare computers in your business? Most likely you don’t and neither should you realistically be expected – if the worst came to worst and an important computer broke – there are a wealth of places where you can visit to get a replacement. There are a couple of things to consider though – do you actually need a full replacement and, if you do, what happens to all your data?

IP Four Digital are experts in IT support and providing support for both inhouse and cloud applications. We provide ongoing support & security for websites, too.

If you’d like to speak to us about any of the above or would like further advice then feel free to give us a call on 020 4525 3748 or contact us here. You can also read a little more about our IT support services here.

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